Category: League of Legends

Outcome of The Season 6 NALCS

Outcome of The Season 6 NALCS

“Yo Jensen Body these fools” “Fight fight fight fight, Im Healing Rush, Keep Kiting BACK !KOG’MAW KOG’MAW KOG’MAW!! Kite back Kite back We got this! GO GO GO GO GO GO  Im Healing Rush,Im Healing Sneaky, Careful Careful! KOG’MAW KOG’MAW KOG’MAW!!! GET HIM GET HIM!! WE WIN WE WIN WE WIN!!! I GOTCHU I GOTCHU!!!” Judging by this we can already speculate how explosive and surprising the NALCS has been this year. With new teams rising to power and older teams crumbling down we’ll take a look at what has come to the NALCS as of now.


This was probably the most impressive performance this season SO FAR. They currently only have 1 LOSS out of 14 games. Star players for this team are none other than Reignover (Jungler) Huni (Top Laner) and Wildturtle( ADC), this triple threat has been the leading cause to their great season so far. As a new team this is also impressive since they don’t have as much synergy compared to other teams. Theybwere seen as a huge threat when their Second game of the season they made a record breaking win for a FAST 18:00m Minute game. This has never been done in LCS History. All in all Immortals has been the Emperor of NALCS.

Here we can see although a close match IMT pulls in a game winning team fight


CLG has seen an over all clean season so far, many changes have occurred such as Stixxay (ADC) Filling in Doublelift’s big shoes, as well as Darshan, formely known as ZionSpartan, has gone through a massive evolution as a player. Although with an adjusted roster CLG retains its synergy that leads them to placing 2nd in NA. Furthermore the current meta (strategy for people newer to the Esports scene) Favors Darshan’s playstyle such as Jax Fiora ect. CLG is seen as a huge threat since it was the only team to end Immortals chance of having a perfect season being the only team to conquer Immortals. Overall CLG might have reached its peak this split and this may be the split where they take it all.

Video Portrays CLG’s Shut down on Immortals Undefeated record


C9 has yet again brought back Hai (was suppposed to retire a year ago) , but as seen they need Hai’s GODLIKE shotcalling in ordwer for them to remain in the top 3 NA Teams. C9 has been a strong team with the addition of Rush (a Highly skilled korean solo q player), Rush has been what seems to be C9’s Ace in the hole due to his god like mechanics. With the retirement of Lemonation C9 needed someone to take his Support role, who would it be ?well none other than Hai seeing as to how he is determined no matter what position he plays. Hai is one of the first players to play 3 roles professionally that being (Mid lane, jungle, and Support). Another main reason for C9 keeping up with the other teams is the fact that Jensen has also evolved as a player, he has improved greatly in skill and can now compete with the other professional midlaners. This leads to the fact that C9 is a top 3 team in NA and has what it takes to compete with other teams

Here we have Rush’s incredible outplay


TSM has hit a rough spot this season since having their whole roster reworked( except bjergsen) the team has lately been lacking synergy. This shows through their performance on stage and most of their wins have been sloppy. TSM have been leaning on bjerg for carrying them to victory with the exception of some games where Hauntzer or DoubleLift end up carrying.  TSM have talented players but they just lack the synergy and trust in each others calls. While this has crippled them they still remain in 4th place and are fighting to get back onto the top.

Example of TSM’s rather sloppy style of pulling in wins (hurts as a TSM fan)


NRG is what I call a Wild card, you never know whether it will destroy its opponents or get stomped by its opponents. Key Players for NRG is probably Impact(Season 3 World Champion toplaner) and Ganked By Mom or GBM (Midlaner) these two is what I like to think of as the bread and butter of Team NRG. Impact has provided a carry potential for NRG and has been there when needed most. GBM on the other hand is what I like to call the Messiah for team NRG, This guy is CRAZY good, I’ve seen some good flashy plays from him that keep NRG tied for 5th right now. As NALCS continues I feel as if NRG will soon grow to power and rise towards the top.

Here we have a video of GBM stepping up when Impact would not perform on first day of NALCS

Team Liquid

A force to be reckoned with TL has returned and is attmepting to make it to the top again. This time however they bring in some rookies to the table after the retirement of IWillDominate a talented jungler for TL and Matt the new support/shot caller for TL. But some wonder who would replace Dom? Well that would be Dardoch his second in command, this left TL under the supervision of Fenix and Piglet who were the veteran players for the team. With a score of 7-7 I say TL has potential to make it to the spot and conquer the NA scene.

Here we have Liquid showing off their potential by sweeping TSM

Echo Fox

Echo Fox has had its ups and downs and continues to spiral down, Fox has only one veteran which would be Froggen who was an EU legend and was known for being able to farm/CS efficiently. That being said this team run by Rick Fox is built out of Rookies and decently new pros. This includes Keith, Big, and KFO. That being said Echo Fox  has a slim chance of not being relegated  but must work  jard in order to survive since they are tied for 7th.

Here we have one of Echo Fox’s Glorious moments at 57 seconds , (watch out for Big’s squeaky voice :P)

Team Impulse

Once Big fish of the NALCS in 2015 have now crumbled in 2016 due to the fact that 4 of its former players have left to join the following teams (TSM, NRG, C9, and DIG).This has left Gate to form a new team and attempt to keep themselves in the NALCS. In order to do this they moved Gate to the support role and filled in the other roles with new players from Korea. That being said this choice doesnt seem rto be as wise as they had thought since TIP also face the risk of possible relegation and not being able to perform in the NALCS next year. If they want to stay alive against this cruel  drawn out split they need to step it up  and need to build synergy. That being said they have finally began to develop some form of synergy shown below



Ah the slow spiral of once a strong and respective team has been foreseen, Team Dignitas is what some might call washed up. Through out the split they have made bad calls and are known to throw the game with a hasty baron pick which usually ends up with them being aced (when all 5 players of one team being dead at the same time). Dignitas can only rely on their only hope which is KiwiKid and Shiphtur.Both are seasoned veterans and have played the game since around beta.

this Video Portray’s DIG’s few successful games


Once seen as the power pick in the Challenger Series since they had old legends Crumbz,Freeze, and Alex Ich. That being said they haven’t been performing up to their expectations and have been on a bad losing streak and will most likely face relegation. Renegades does however have there moments where they expose their enemies mistakes and go for the win. But as the Season Continues  the more pressure is added towards Renegades being last place.

Rare Footage of Renegade’s success


As Play-Offs draw near the tension between each of the team’s increases it all goes down in the play offs and anything can happen. Which of these 10 teams will manage to win the spring split? which of these teams will be relegated? Comment before and be sure to give feedback 🙂 Anything helps. Have a Nice Day :^)

Retired Pros And Legends and What They Do Now

Retired Pros And Legends and What They Do Now

Hey Guys, Today I will be Discussing about retired players who formerly performed in the NALCS. These People were known to be God like during season 2 and now they are seen as “washed Up” but we’ll take a look at what they do in their everyday lives.



Regi was a former midlaner for TSM and was known to be the shotcaller back in season 2 he also owned TSM and took care of the brand name. Back in his “prime” in his career he was known for playing Karthus, Zed,His BLUE CARD REGINALD(heres a video if you don’t understand what I mean), and His Mediocre Gragas plays :). Overall he was decent during season 2 but during season 3 he started declining which resulted to him stepping down. As of Today Reginald currently runs the TSM Brand and is owner of the company he helps expand TSM to different Esports such as SSB(Smash Bros) and CSGO. Basically Reginald is running a huge company that earns him a lot of money.



TheOddone was one of the most legendary junglers back in his prime, He is also my favorite League Pro. Back in his day he was known for being one of the Top Junglers (Season 1), He was known for his quick reactions, and also making jungle Nunu and Maokai popular.He also Made DARUUUUDE SAAAANDSTORMMM Popular which is pretty cool. Aside from that he keeps playing League by streaming on twitch and still makes a living off of it due to his comedic style and pleasing his audience. To This day Oddone still streams League of Legends while also playing different games once in a while.



Imaqtpie is The man The Legend himself, Former ADC for Dignitas, and once of the most popular Twitch Streamers to this day. Back in Season 2 for Professional League of Legends, he was part of Team Dignitas where he was known for his aggressive and flashy play style. He was always a force to reckon with during professional games and was probably one of the Top 3 ADCs back then. Later on during the beginning of the 2014 NALCS he decided to step down from Dignitas shortly after his old teammate Scarra(will be discussed later) stepped down. After Scarra left Imaqtpie lost his drive to play competitively and decided to become a full time streamer. Sooner or later he was making bank becoming a full time streamer and he described it as a much more fun alternative than playing professionally. Today we see Imaqtpie streaming everyday, while also uploading highlights on Youtube.



Scarra, a man with many titles, Former Coach for CLG, Former MidLaner for Team Rock Solid, and Former Midlaner for Dignitas. Scarrais known to be very intelligent by the community due to his very informative commentary. He holds the highest record for most kills in a single Professional game which was 19 with AP Master YI .Through out his career he was known for his mechanical skill which proved him to be one of the best mid laners back in 2013. Although he had a very few champion pool which he was comfortable playing with such as Katarina which he is known for. His Second most well known champion is his Gragas which Riot Games decided to represent scarra as in the 2014 World Championship Series (Can Be seen at 1:08). He also known for his Gragas Outplay which can be seen here . Much Like Imaqtpie he retired during the year of 2014 and decided to be a coach. Today we can see Scarra streaming Daily and contributing to the League of Legends Community.



Last but not least we have Dyrus, a player since beta, he’s followed and accompanied the Esports side of League of Legends from the bottom to its current fame today. a calm nonchalant player is what you would describe him as. He is known for many things during his career such as his infamous singed in which he would spam laugh during a competitive tournament(DreamHack), His Jayce which is shown in the Season 3″Road to the Cup” Clip( can be seen at 2:27),  Is one of the two players, the other being YellowStar, who have attended the first 5 League of Legends Worlds Championship Series, he also holds the most career assists in the top lane( By far quite an accomplishment since top lane is an Island), He attended to every NALCS Finals under the same TSM banner. Overall Dyrus was seen as a legend and will forever be quite the player to watch. And you may be asking what are his whereabouts to this day, well he is loyal to his fans and still streams on a daily basis, while uploading content on his youtube.

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What Each of These Veterans Have in Common?

Well in the end each of these Unique held  a trait that carried them so far in life. From owning big Brand names in the Esports community, to Streaming on a daily basis. These men who have been the keystone to the Esport world we see growing today had a sense of Comedic behavior. Whether it be trolling (the postitive kind) or it being them having a funny reaction during streams. Or making a funny meme for his fan base( General Oddone, Raise your dongers-imaqtpie, Singed Laugh-Dyrus, Stay Free Noobs-Oddone). In the end these Retired Pros have caused laughter throughout the small span of 4-5 years and currently cause tons of joy for the Esport Community.

P.S. Enjoy this cool Music :^)


The Reality of Esports And How It Effects Our World Today

The Reality of Esports And How It Effects Our World Today

Hey guys its been a while since I’ve posted a blog post. Today I will be discussing the reality of Esports and how it grows today.

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Today some people do not understand the concept of esports. Some would think that it is a waste of time and would never interact with the reality of our lives. Little do they know that it is spreading rapidly like a flood, full of people who enjoy Esports in general. Esports ranges from PC, to Mobile App games, to even old consoles such as the Game cube. Many well known Esports that are starting to be recognized daily would be League of Legends, Dota 2 and probably Super Smash Brothers Melee. You must be wondering, How are all those games so popular among the world? Because in the reality of the gaming community that we each have a trait of wanting to be the best, some want it more than others, this leads to a competitive atmosphere around the globe from Americans facing European, to China and Korea  facing one another in “simple games.” This is typically how Esports is seen in reality. But this year is when the tides will most Likely change, such as having ESPN create its own channel for Professional gaming, some celebrities join in as well this includes Rick Fox X3 time NBA champion who in the past played for both the Lakers and The Celtics, this man now owns an NALCS and has them compete within the game of League of Legends. This Leads to a bridge being formed where Esports is starting to be connected to reality where it isnt just a “stupid dream.” A Good Friend of mine tells me that a student at my school plays Smite Professionally, this student plays on Team Envyus and goes by the name of “Cyclonespin” This shows that your everyday student can be someone who makes BANK doing the things they love to do. We also receive support from our government seeing as to them providing foreign professional players to receive a Visa to stay in the US for the time they are with an American team. Esports has also become a more sophisticated field such as sports we have today, RiotGamesinc will also press fines for many things under professional play, these fines would also be Vulgar Language, Poaching other players, Toxic behavior, and of Course cheating in any shape or form. But in the end how does this tie in with reality ? Well it ties in and anchors itself within our daily lives, we have many people around the Globe who support Esports and it has gone from a dream to a Reality.

Thanks guys for tuning in on this blog site, and Don’t forget to watch the NALCSS for 2016 its back up and boy do I sure miss it, heads up cause Next blog post will focus on the NALCS, so be ready :D. Have a wonderful day/ night.giphy (2).gif